Open Letter:

To all Independent, Freedom-Seeking Farmers…

We see what is happening in our world and we don’t like it…

We know you see it as well – Together, we can co-create our own solution.

We are looking for Food Security and we have chosen to achieve this with Independent Farmers. To us Farmers are precious. You feed us. We do not take this for granted.

We Believe, We Have a Solution…

We have worked hard to create the foundations for a mutual win-win scenario.

The idea being…

You get the help you deserve and we gain food security. We’ve gathered a community of people who know we need a new system and want to contribute to helping make it happen.

As a result – we are in a strong position to offer you – the following…

The 3 Ways We Can Help…

#1) Helping Hands on Your Farm – (from our like-minded community)

#2) A Premium Form of BioChar – (Faster Growing & Higher Yields)

#3) Help You Reduce Your Diesel & Power Costs – (In a  Really Sustainable Way)

For clarity…

All We Want in Exchange is Food – For Our Participating Community.
We Will do the Exchange at the Retail Price of the Food You Make Available.

We are Flexible…

– We will even do this trade in exchange for surplus you have available at harvest time or at any other time of the year.

– We truly are just looking for like-minded Farmers.

If that’s you – we will find a way to help make it work. We find that a quick 15-minute chat can be really helpful.

We Have Learned a LOT…

In developing this idea we have learned how one thing has proven itself to be incredibly important…

We know there must be a win-win, fair exchange – for you. (very doable)

What is also important though, is…

You also see what’s happening in the world and…

You Also Believe We Must Have A New System
You Personally Want To Contribute To It's Creation

It’s this foundation of knowing how necessary it is and the willingness to contribute that we’ve found really creates the flow required.

The good news is – we are already up and running. We have great people participating and as a result it’s really working.

Once again – We help to make it easy for you to contribute…

Help on the Farm.

Higher Yields.

Cash Savings on Diesel and Power.

We believe this is our way of creating the foundations necessary for any Farmer who wants to participate, to be able to do so.

It just is important that you want to help us create this new approach – so we’re on the same page. No tensions – It’s a give and receive for all the right reasons.

Two Simple Agreements:

1) For any help you receive, that saves you money, you are willing to help make food available in considering those cash savings.

This is especially true, knowing it’s helping to build a New System that is…

By the People AND For The People.

2) You do have surplus to offer & want to use it to contribute to this idea.


With our help are willing to grow more so you do have some surplus.

A quick and important note here…


We understand that, for many reasons, your trust has been eroded.

We do completely understand – we have been too giving in the past ourselves – and have also learned to be cautious.

You don’t know us – We understand your need to connect and hear from us directly.

Let’s start with a quick 15-minute chat.

No obligation or commitment – just a quick, step one, towards establishing a bit of mutual understanding and trust.

The idea being, that we look for an easy way to take even one small step together.

We Believe This Idea is Important Enough

To Make This Quick, 15-Minute Commitment.

To schedule your 15 minute chat, please complete the following form.